I have had a 360 degree turn around in certain trains of thought and beliefs that I have held on to for years regarding diet. I am putting into practice the complete opposite of what I have always believed. I am counting calories, exercising to the point of increased heart rate, puffing, sweating, and I now believe that it is entirely possible to lose weight quickly and keep it off. There are no statistics to prove that losing weight slowly has better long term benefits. Infact, when you lose weight quickly there is evidence that the results will encourage better long term results. I have been told for the past few months that even though I have not lost weight I have gained muscle.............RUBBISH! you can't build muscle until the fat comes off. You can't spot lose weight either! I can allow myself one cheat meal per week but that is it.........for now!
I am currently weighing in at 90.1kg which is down by 2.8 kg in two weeks. I can see that by Monday I will be in at under 90 to my first goal of 89.9!

Start weight 93kg

First goal.......................89.9kg to take me under 90kg..............reached date
Second goal...................84kg to take me back to my pre pregnant weight...........reached date
third goal.....................79.9kg to take me under 80kg...............reached date
Fourth goal.................74kg to take me to the lowest weight I have been in past ten years...........................reached date
Fifth goal....................69.9kg to take me under 70kg........reached date
Sixth goal....................65 kg to take me to the weight I felt comfortable at for a number of years
reached date..........
seventh goal..............60kg to take me to a weight where I will decide where to go......If I have gained muscle and look firm and toned I might be comfortable here. If I feel I need to go on then I will make that decision then.........reached date...........