I have been busy spring cleaning , oh ok! it isn't spring but that is the name for it so don't be pedantic!
For ten years of homeschooling I have been obsessed with buying every book that was recomended. If I got a catalogue from a homeschool company I had to buy every book listed. To be honest with you, I think I had a problem! (really?) but that is another story! 99% of the books were never read. Anyway, I needed some money and the obvious thing to do was to sell my excess. It has been very freeing emotionally for me. I have not been sad at all. Now all that remains on my bookshelf are books that "I" enjoy, they might never make the top homeschool list but they are what I like. One example was a biography about Ted Dekker and his family, missionaries to Papua New Guinea. Yes, it was good but much more relatable to Australian readers would be the biography of Stan Dale, an Australian missionary to Papua New Guinea who was martyred by the very people he strove to serve! Why isn't it on any homeschool list? probably because he was Australian and not American! And why isn't the fantastic series "Chronicles of the kings" by Lynn Austin on any homeschool favourite list? It is by far the best series of historial novels that I have ever read! I am now free to choose any book that "I" want and those homeschool catalogues are banned from my house!
There are some books that I am sad to part with. Financially I must. Steve said I could buy them back again when things are better financially. I have learned a painful lesson and maybe when I can buy them back I will appreciate them more. My compulsive spending has landed us in a deep pit and I just thank God that my husband has patience and wisdom to see us through this time.