So, what does one do when one's husband tells one that she is fat? (gee, there are a lot of ones in that sentence) Well, one sulks, cries and refuses to talk to husband for at least three hours..............then she absorbs the information and realizes he has spoken out of love and concern so one decides to do something about it!
I've been married 24 years in September. I can almost read my husband's mind as can he mine! but I must admit to being extremely shocked when on Saturday night my husband, in the nicest possible way, told me that he was concerned about my weight gain, thinks that I am too big to look nice, and would love for me to lose weight. Actually, I didn't sulk........well not for too long! but it did make me feel sad and a little bit hopeless. After all, I am the women who has been on a diet for 20 years! I live and breath health information, diet information, exercise information............I have information overload! but slowly and gradually I have got bigger and bigger and bigger. I currently weigh 92.2 kg...........I was 45kg 25 years ago on my wedding day! so I am twice the woman that Steve married!!! How on earth did it happen? Well, it didn't happen overnight and it isn't going to disappear over night either!
Lisa Delaney in her book, 'Secrets of a former fat girl" talks about a mantra that she used, "It is not an option". She used this phrase, or affirmation as I like to call it, every time she felt tempted to do something she knew she shouldn't regarding her weight loss. I like the phrase and I have borrowed it today.
It is not an option for me to
1) Not exercise
2) Drink Fizzy drinks when there is plenty of water in the tap
3) Put heaped spoonfulls of milo in my cup and tell everyone that I only have two spoons when it really is more like six.
4)To pick at my children's leftover food
5) To feel sorry for myself
6) To convince myself I have a health related reason why the weight doesn't come off
7) To have sweets in the house (who has the willpower to say no when it is staring you in the face?)
8) To drink wine each night with my meal and tell myself it is healthy for me. The bottom line is that wine is carbs and full of sugar and at this stage of life I can't afford to say yes all the time
9)To not prepare my menu at the beginining of the day and set myself up for failure
10) To have one more serving of something I like just because.........

My plan is to cut my portion sizes. Limit my carbs. Exercise more. See myself as a slim women and make plans for the future along these lines. I will journal my journey at the christian weight loss support group that I belong to.