I have really molded quite nicely into the lifestyle of unschooling. I didn't realize it until today when, whilst taking on other major household tasks such as cleaning the pantry, I suddenly remembered that Ben had done no "formal" work for two or three days. I had a momentary shudder but then I heard his voice and on peaking into the family room I saw him sitting with his five year old brother reading aloud a section on "How television works" from an Usborne book. His brother was mesmerized and once Ben had finished reading he went on to explain in his own words the workings of a television!
I find myself becoming more aware of learning that happens outside a text book. I am listening to my children during their playtime and finding that their imaginations are so full of life it is amazing! They will happily play "Narnia" in the back garden for hours, Dear Son five is always "Lucy" (don't ask me why but that is his hero!) and they just get so absorbed in the story it makes me smile from ear to ear. My son, 14, who has never been a reader has suddenly found an intense love of reading, basically because he has been given the freedom to choose what he wants to do and that has become one of his most popular choices! In the last three weeks he has completed three novels, "Number The Stars", "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" and "Chronicles Of The Kings, The first in the series". His openness to discuss the books has convinced me that he has absorbed heaps from each book. Rachel, 16, has also loved reading and spent the day yesterday completing a written narration on "Number The Stars" and then turning it into a book format using our trusty Spiral Binding machine!
This is a season of life that is right for us just now. I need some space, some time for me to heal and the children are thriving in this lifestyle. I am in no rush for this season to end........