After four weeks of dieting with no weight loss I am ready for some drastic measures! I feel led to go on a week long raw food fast of perhaps 80% raw 20% cooked. I feel that my body needs a kick start in order to switch on to weight loss. I am blessed because in the past I have been unable to do anything like this due to either pregnancy or breastfeeding. I still feed Joel in the mornings and at night but he is eating plenty of food and really the milk feed is mainly comfort for him. I have gradually decreased the amount of food I have eaten over the past week in preparation for this. I know from previous experience that it is not good to jump into something new without a small and gradual build up.
We are blessed to own a fantastic dehydrator that was given to us by my parents a few years ago. It has, I am sad to say, been nothing more than a decorating item in the kitchen for the most part but today it is busy working on some zucchini chips! a recipe that I picked up from one of the thousands of raw food websites.
I am looking for a good raw food recipe book. I have heard that Serene Allison's book is very good. I feel positive about this step but I just hope that I have the stamina to keep it up for at least seven days!