This is only day three of my raw food diet week but the strange thing is that although I am eating less, I am just not hungry! Initially I thought that starting the day with a green smoothie (I make mine with one cup spinach leaves, some seasonal fruit and a frozen banana) was going to be very difficult. I mean, I am the lady who wakes up starving! but strangely enough I feel strangely satisfied with my little green concoction each morning. For lunch I have been eating cottage cheese with a mixture of green salad and beetroot. For snacks I am eating lots of Zucchini crisps, fruit and green salad. By tea time I am not even hungry and yet that is the time set aside for some cooked food in my diet! I literally had to force my tea down last night..........very strange! I just wonder if the nutrients in the food are making me nutritionally full, a sensation that I obviously am not used to!
I did two workouts yesterday based on the Michelle Briggs utube video that Susan put on the weigh to win forum. I broke a plastic toy container that I was using as a step!! Rachel recommended the Wooden Spa step instead which, of course! was much more appropriate. Gosh! talk about my heart beat racing! It was a fantastic workout and I enjoyed every minute of it. I loved it so much that I did it again before tea! There is something about working out in your own back yard with the sky as the ceiling and grass as the carpet that makes it very special, a lot more inviting that the gym! I treated myself to a nice warm spa after that to soak my aching muscles. Would have been lovely except the three younger children decided to join me and bring their floatie toys with them! slightly crowded!