I don't know what it is but for some reason I am looking for a title for what I am trying to achieve in our home education. So how do you find a title? Well you Google of course! just press in things like this, "Christian homeschooler who still likes some curriculum"......wow! that will take you off to never never land. Try again, "Christian Unschooler".......got a few more there but still not the title I am looking for! Next attempt, "An education where God leads the way but in a very casual atmosphere".......blank! O.K this isn't working.........does anyone have any phrases suitable for Googling that will help me come up with a title?
All jokes apart, (what, that was meant to be funny?) Why is it that I need to find a title? What if I am the only human being on Earth that follows my kind of education? Does that make me a Guru? Maybe I am a leader and not a follower (nah.........you've been a follower for 44 years!) Maybe I should make up my own title?
So far I have come up with this: "Eclectic, unschooling christian, God Led, Delight Directed with a Charlotte Mason slant, somewhat crazy mother of nine children still wondering what on earth she is doing"